Freek / The Real Estate Dilemma nominated for Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards!

This year the international Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards expert jury had the pleasure of evaluating around 800 submissions from over 40 countries. From all these entries, 197 productions were nominated as finalists and from this selection, 129 entries will be awarded a Dolphin Trophy.

We are thrilled to inform you that our production “Real estate dilemma” (Dutch title: Freek) is among this year’s winners and will be awarded a Dolphin Trophy in the category A3 – Informational Films and Explanatory Videos.

In the film, Freek (Emile Jansen), a criminal, shows how he deviously launders money through immovable property constructions. He abuses vulnerable people in society and plays the gatekeepers: notaries, brokers, bankers, and accountants. Bleck developed the film on behalf of the knowledge platform Subversion. The film reflected a collaboration between, among others, RIEC-LIEC and the Ministry of Justice & Security.

You can check out the website of the festival here: Cannes Corporate Media TV Awards or more about the film here