Kantoor Bleck Media


See what we can do for you


We craft engaging stories that clarify your business, unearth unique angles, and drive action by using our story framework. With 15+ years of experience, we elevate your message with emotion and accuracy, whether it’s for your corporate story, a product, a customer experience, technology, service, or brand. We’ll look out for you.

Film production

Show, don’t tell. Visuals tell a more engaging story that our brains process quickly. We specialize in diverse storytelling styles like scripted, non-scripted, documentary, instruction, social, brandmovies, mood films, short-form, portraits, kids content, commercials, and corporate films. We cater to budgets of all sizes. Take a look at our films

Animation & Design

Animated films and design are powerful tools to create a better understanding and increase audience engagement. We can bring to life objects that do not exist (yet) and visually clarify complex topics or products in a short period of time. Our animation styles include 2D, 3D, stop motion, cut-out, whiteboard and explainer animation. Additionally, we support live action footage with animation or VFX.  
Take a look at our animations

Post Production

We take care of your post production needs. This includes the process of processing and merging film footage, photos, voice-overs, sound effects, music, and other content. Our post-production services include color correction, editing, sound design, and music. We ensure that your project looks and sounds visually and audibly professional, ready to be presented to your target audience